The parasites in the body: the symptoms of the infection, and the methods of disposal of the waste

Parasites in the human body is a widespread phenomenon. As it is an infection, certain parasites, and of what diseases they can cause. Why treatment needs to begin right away, and how to get rid of the parasites, without drugs, read our article.

Parasitic diseases in the world, who are affected more than 4.5 billion people, about 9 out of 10 cases of the disease by the worms, according to the world health organization (who). In the East, and parasites (including worms) affect each and every one the resident! The main goal of any parasite is to live silently in the human body and its vital organs: the intestines, the liver, the kidney, the lung, the heart, the brain, and so on.

Parasites in the human body

A sad fact about the worms and other parasites

This can lead to a variety of diseases:

  • Toxoplasma cause many deformities, congenital diseases of children, mental retardation.
  • Giardia affects the liver and cause many liver diseases.
  • Roundworms cause lung, biliary, and intestinal disease.
  • Pinworms — an abundance of intestinal disorders.
  • Fascioliasis is causing the Allergy, biliary dyskinesia, chronic hepatitis.
  • Fasciolopsis , which are involved in the formation and development of various types of cancer.
  • Chlamydia has caused infertility, digestive disorders, a variety of lesions of the pancreas (including diabetes), liver disease, and can lead to a heart attack. Chlamydia infection is dangerous, because it does not always lead to pronounced inflammation. Clearly, the disease could be, and chlamydia in their blood — a lot. Often, chlamydia occurs almost without symptoms. In the 40-50 years of age — having a heart attack! This is because chlamydia is far too common, and in addition to that, I was able to "hide" within white blood cells. This is the reason why the organism chlamydia with almost no fighting, he just doesn't notice them.
  • Chronic, including cancer, diseases of the, in 80% of cases caused by exposure to parasites (worms, fungi, protozoa).
  • Her enemy number one to a man called Trichomonas.

The formation of a colony in the walls of the blood vessels, Trichomonas has led to the development of atherosclerosis, with all the consequences. In 1989, I opened up the ownership of the Trichomonas can transform a normal cell into a malignant. Trichomonas cause of the diseases of the genitourinary system, the gut, the mouth and the blood vessels. Diseases: diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, stroke, heart attack, cancer.

  • Anxiety when you are infected with the worms, and parasites.

The products of metabolism and toxic substances are secreted by the parasites (the worms), they can irritate the Central nervous system. Anxiety and nervousness are often the result of infection with the parasites.

  • The disruption of sleep patterns when you are infected with the worms, and parasites.

If you often Wake up during the night, particularly between 2 to 3 hours a day, so maybe your body is trying to get rid of toxic substances through the liver. According to the tenets of Chinese medicine, these hours of liver aktiviziruyutsya, and since it is the result of the presence of the parasites is that there is a lot of work, it is interfering with your restful sleep. Sleep may be disturbed also due to the fact that, in the course of the night, some of the parasites through the anus, leading to itching and abdominal pain.

  • Chronic fatigue when you are infected with the worms, and parasites.

Weakness, lethargy, depression, decreased concentration, and memory may be related to the presence of parasites (worms), because the activity of these aggressors, leading to a lack of nutrients in the body. You are missing the essential vitamins and minerals, which will inevitably affect the well-being and mood.

  • The vast majority of the patients were suffering from worms:

anemia, asthma, arthritis, allergosis, an autoimmune disease, cholelithiasis, dyskinesia, hepatocholecystitis, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, dysentery, bedwetting, crohn's disease, immune dysfunction, inflammation of the bowels, rheumatism, and various inflammations of the mouth, gum disease, ulcerative colitis.

  • Signs of infection, worms, and parasites.

The chair with a disgusting smell. The frequent occurrence of loose or watery stools or persistent constipation. The re-occurrence of cramps in the abdomen and rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, is not related to hunger. Chest pain, or heartburn, which never happened before. An inflammation and enlargement of the breast, not associated with the menstrual cycle.

The symptoms are similar to flu, such as coughing, a runny nose and a fever. Food allergies to many types of products. Itching around the anus, especially at night. A strange headache. A variety of skin problems — from the trivial pimples to psoriasis. The loss of hair. The presence of parasites in the body, it can also indicate a dramatic loss of weight or, on the contrary, sudden and unexplained weight gain.

After the body has been identified, the worms, the treatment should be started immediately. By the way, you can choose from.

  • This is a recipe for the destruction of parasites — drastic, but it is not for the faint of heart. You can pass out from the sight. As a matter of fact, the thing that comes out of you is just the tip of the iceberg. But you know, they need to go! They will not be able to live peacefully.

Buy a small bottle of brandy and castor oil in a pharmacy. In the evening, after 18: 00 nothing to eat or drink. A night out at 2.00 to drink 50 ml of brandy. After 30 minutes in order to drink 50 ml of castor oil. Your worms did not come out with poop on it as they are attached very tightly to the intestinal wall and hold on with all sorts of hooks and suckers (by the way, and abdominal pain). Brandy, too, weakens their vigilance, and they get drunk, if you want to be. And that's when they have no control over and does not hold, the more castor oil you will be removed, and they will leave.

  • The other way. It may require a lot of time, but it is easier to apply. It is a mixture of three herbs, "Triad", which has a positive effect on the entire digestive tract, stimulates the liver. That is, if you don't have worms, and you will drink this mixture for preventive use. A huge plus with this mix is that it kills the adult parasites, and parasites, in any stage of development, and even the larvae and eggs that are not under the power of the tablet.

Method of preparation: grass wormwood, tansy flowers, and cloves (like the spice) must be taken in equal proportions, grind in a coffee grinder as fine as possible, into a powder and to be taken 3 times a day, 0.5 tsp at a time period of 10 (ten) days. This will not affect a parasite. Only the mixture very bitter. Tansy and wormwood in the drugstores, and the cloves in any grocery store, where spices and condiments.

Useful to drink a collection of the "triad" of 2 times a year for about 10 days. The "triad", for all you have done.

Here's how it works: the bitterness of these three components, and its other properties, just kill all the worms. Its a protective cover to the surface (which is not digested by our digestive enzymes have lost their properties, and the parasites are simple to digest. So no one will see how they go and what they are, and how much. This is a of the nervous.

If you know that you have been infected, take the collection "triad" for 10 days, take a break for 10 days, and then again in 10 days time to repair the score.

Not sure of the background on the control of pests by the use of the tools to clean everything you can. Boil all the bedding and underwear, I wash it with bleach, all the handles, the furniture, the floors, circuit breakers (and one of the things that they have to touch it very often), and it is much better to wash everything you can. This is necessary in order to destroy helminth eggs and to help prevent re-infection. A collection of the "Triad" can be purchased at a pharmacy.

  • There is also a good way. In the evening, put on the fire, a glass of milk, and bring to a boil, but do not boil. After the water boils — throw with 2 heads, peeled and coarsely chopped garlic. Immediately remove from the heat, cover tightly, wrap a warm (a long time to keep it warm in a thermos). I get up in the morning and drink it on an empty stomach. The worms will begin to leave after 30 minutes to an hour. After 2 hours you can eat. You have to do it 3 times in a row. It is also a good prevention and treatment.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is effectively helps in the fight against the worms, in particular, those who have settled in the intestines. Help combination recommended over the funds they receive benzoyl peroxide (10 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide per cup of water, 3 times a day).

Try to prevent the parasites from your body. And here, too, you can come to the aid of hydrogen peroxide. It is recommended that you wash the peroxide on the fish to avoid contact with harmful micro-organisms. The same is true for vegetables and fruits.

After working in the soil, keep your hands drugstore hydrogen peroxide to destroy helminth eggs. In particular we need to be very careful in the cooking of the meat products since the meat, especially pork, contains a large number of parasites. After the cutting of the meat, not just rinse your knives, utensils, cutting Board with soap and water, but also wipe them with hydrogen peroxide.

Its extremely useful when you are restore the acid-alkaline balance of the body to perform a "cleansing" of the body. The process of "cleaning" you need to start with the bowel cleansing using enemas.